Timothy789, Author at Money Mindset Coach https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/author/timothy789/ Money Mindset Coach Online Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:55:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://i0.wp.com/moneymindsetcoachonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/cropped-cropped-Screen-Shot-2023-02-24-at-11.08.31.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Timothy789, Author at Money Mindset Coach https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/author/timothy789/ 32 32 230825600 Money Mindset Book Pdf https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/money-mindset-book-pdf/ https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/money-mindset-book-pdf/#respond Wed, 23 Aug 2023 11:58:00 +0000 https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/?p=997 Welcome to this money mindset book pdf which you can download by clicking on the image below. Here’s a quick glimpse of what you’ll get in each chapter of the…

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Welcome to this money mindset book pdf which you can download by clicking on the image below.

money mindset book pdf

Here’s a quick glimpse of what you’ll get in each chapter of the ebook:


1 – Questions and answers
2 – Uncovering your hidden beliefs
3 – Making the shift
4 – Installing New programs
5 – Changing the way you earn
6 – Gratitude
7 – Money Principles Of The Wealthy

Money Mindset Book PDF – Chapter 1 – Questions and Answers

You can find some of the money mindset questions and answers in the money mindset quiz pdf, too. These are questions around your beliefs about money, the wealthy and how you see yourself. If you carry negative connotations about money, it’s likely that some of these are holding you from attracting more money into your life.

For example, if you hold negative ideas towards the rich, such as “the rich are greedy” or some other such negative idea, becoming rich may conflict with how you see yourself – perhaps as generous! Or you may believe that by becoming rich it would sully your good character in some way, because of how you perceive those who have greater financial abundance that you.

One of the largest building blocks of your current world view is how you see yourself – your identity or self image. So letting go of old ideas of yourself might be necessary to creating more wealth and abundance in your life.

money mindset book pdf

Money Mindset Book PDF – Chapter 2 – Uncovering Hidden Beliefs

Once you start to see your limiting beliefs about money, you can start to shed some light on them. Only when you become aware will you be able to shift your awareness. It’s likely that you’ve been giving attention and energy to your beliefs and ideas for some time, perhaps years. So shifting your internal belief system and inner “compass” can take some doing. The first step is to start noticing how you think and talk about yourself and about money, the rich and the wealthy.

Unless you notice some contrary beliefs around the topic, you’ll continue to talk and thing away money and the good it can bring into your life. Often these ideas are tied up with your identity, your friends and relatives and how you see yourself in the world. This is why it can take some work to shed the ideas of your past to create a new more prosperous future for yourself.

Money Mindset Book PDF – Chapter 3 – Making The Shift

Once you have identified some of your ideas which keep you financially limited, you can begin to introduce new ideas. Identify an old belief around money which is limiting. For example, money doesn’t grow on trees” is a common expression. But it has limiting connotations.

Once you notice yourself expressing a limiting view such as this, you can stop and take note. Introduce a new idea such as “money comes easily and frequently”. Whenever you hear yourself saying (or thinking) the old (limiting) idea, make a habit out of using your new one. Say your new idea/mantra many times for each time you say your old one. Eventually you will let go of your old, limiting beliefs and replace them with the new ones.

Chapter 4 – Installing New Programs

New mantras will replace the old ones which were actively talking money away from you. Here’s a few ideas for mantras you can introduce:

  • I get paid for being me
  • I create money easily and freely
  • I enjoy making money in ways that a pleasing to me
  • Making money is easy
  • I am abundant

Remember your old programming will have been around for some time. So they are “hard wired” into your subconscious programming. To make new mantras count, you’ll need to make them as powerful as your old ones were. This means making a habit out of repeating them over and over until they are ultimately accepted by your subconscious mind. This can take some time, so be patient and keep practicing them even if you don’t really believe them at first.

money mindset book pdf

Chapter 5 – Changing The Way You Earn

Most people earn through working in a job – trading their time for money. However, with the internet and technology there’s never been a better time to learn a new strategy for earning an income.

One simple strategy is to sell products and services online as an affiliate marketer. Affiliates get paid for product referrals, and you don’t need any products or services of your own to become an affiliate and earn money online. See affiliate marketing mentors for more on this topic.

Chapter 6 – Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful way to shift your mindset towards a more pleasing vibration. Most of us are in the habit of being unhappy! We focus on the news and doom and gloom of the world. This sends our minds looking for more things which attract this same vibration.

We worry and stress and this brings about more worry and stress. When we learn to practice gratitude we are reversing this pattern and programming our minds for a pleasing stat of being-ness. This “being-ness” attracts better things into our lives from within.

It is often when we are struggling in life, trying to control everything on the “outside”, by planning and organising, that we forget it’s our inner state which is just as (if not more powerful) at drawing in circumstances, people and events which can be life changing.

Chapter 7 – Money Habits Of The Wealthy

The wealthy know a few tricks which everyone should start applying to their lives if they want to create more wealth and abundance. For starters, most people live to their means. The wealthy know to pay themselves first. This means that before any money goes out, they pay into a savings account a portion of their earnings. Over time this money compounds and grows with interest. Even if your budget is tight, you may be able to cut back on your spending and save a little each month.

This money gives them more choice and they can use it for investments, businesses and other ways to earn money.

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Ways To Make Money In Your Sleep https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/ways-to-make-money-in-your-sleep/ https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/ways-to-make-money-in-your-sleep/#respond Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:55:31 +0000 https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/?p=1022 There’s many ways to make money in your sleep. Any passive income stream will allow you to do this. So a rental property, bonds, shares and investments are some of…

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There’s many ways to make money in your sleep. Any passive income stream will allow you to do this. So a rental property, bonds, shares and investments are some of the best ways. But one of the most accessible ways to make money in your sleep today is through selling other people’s products online with a business model called affiliate marketing.

With affiliate marketing tools and software can be used to automate the sales. Join an affiliate program get an affiliate link and learn how to promote your link in a variety of ways:

how to earn money in your sleep
  • Blogging
  • Email marketing
  • PPC – Pay per click advertising
  • Social media
  • SEO – search engine optimisation
  • Other off line methods

Ways To Make Money In Your Sleep

Affiliates make money in their sleep by automating the sale of products online. There’s thousands of products you can sell as an affiliate and all you need is your affiliate link to promote them. One of the best ways to automate sales in your sleep is through email marketing. With email marketing you collect emails from a website and automate the delivery of email marketing messages, promoting your products.

Long term affiliates build email lists into the tens and even hundreds of thousands of subscribers. So when they send out an email (automatically), a large volume of people receive it and can make a purchase. Affiliates don’t need to own or handle the products as this is done by the product owner (or vendor).

Ways To Make Money In Your Sleep – Building Your Email List

Affiliates build email lists by offering some value to their subscribers in the form of some helpful information. By sending targeted visitors towards a landing page they can offer a free giveaway and collect email subscribers to build a list.

ways to make money in your sleep

To do this quickly you can use a paid marketing platform such as Google Adwords. Set up an advertising campaign which targets specific online users who will be interested in your products. Send them to a landing page and offer them something of use in exchange for their email address. As your list grows you can sell more and more of your affiliate products – completely automatically.

Methods Of Marketing

So, PPC (pay per click) marketing is one of the fastest ways to build an online business. But there are other ways too. You can also build content through blogging or building a video channel, for example. This is a slower strategy but it can ultimately give you a free and passive way of making sales, once you’ve done the work initially.

As your content volume grows, you can get free traffic from the search engines such as Google, Bing, Duckduckgo.com and so on. You can place banners on your website to send your visitors to affiliate products and earn commissions from their sale. Or offer something for free and build an email list from your blog website.

You can also use other marketing strategies too such as social media methods. Since there’s so many social media platforms this can allow you to find potential customers in lots of ways. Use Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and others to either pay for advertising or use a free method through connecting with users.

Another popular method besides blogging and using pay per click advertising is to build a YouTube channel. YouTuber’s upload hundreds and even thousands of useful videos to attract an audience organically towards their affiliate products. Again, this can take some time but if you’re creative and have something to offer, it can be an effective way of selling on autopilot and making money in your sleep!


With affiliate marketing you simply promote your link and earn money from product referrals. There’s no need to deal with customers or handle products. That’s all done by the product owners. This means that when you have found an effective marketing strategy with which to promote products, you can earn money in your sleep! Although this takes some time and investment initially, affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money in your sleep through product referrals and automated marketing techniques.

Access more information and get started here.

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Promote Link And Earn Money https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/promote-link-and-earn-money/ https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/promote-link-and-earn-money/#comments Thu, 17 Aug 2023 10:00:42 +0000 https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/?p=1010 Anyone can learn to promote a link and earn money from an online sale. With a clever business model known as affiliate marketing, you don’t need any products of your…

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Anyone can learn to promote a link and earn money from an online sale. With a clever business model known as affiliate marketing, you don’t need any products of your own to earn from sales of other people’s products and services.

This business model can completely turn how you make money on its head! Most of use are conditioned into the “time for money” trap. We trade our lives in a job, turning up day after day, month after month, year after year. If we stopped turning up to our jobs, we stop getting paid! But if you can earn an income from the sale of products and services online, you can automate the process.

This can give you an income which is independent of your time, once you set up systems for selling online.

Promote Link And Earn Money – How Affiliate Marketing Works

Most people’s mindset is based on working hard for money. With affiliate marketing you still have to work hard, but ultimately you can use automation and products to earn rather than trading your time in a job for money.

promote link and earn money

Affiliate marketers use advertising methods to send online visitors to various products and services. They are basically third party advertisers who get paid when someone buys through their affiliate link. The links are tracked back to the affiliate and they receive a percentage of the sale.

To make sales over the internet affiliates use various methods such as:

  • Blogging
  • PPC – pay per click marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Social media strategies
  • SEO – Search engine optimisation
  • Banners and images
  • Links in text

This website uses blogging to attract an audience and I promote some products through my website and email list.

Promote Link And Earn Money – Benefits

There’s some huge benefits of building an affiliate business once it’s working. When you break through and start making those online sales, you’ve learned a skill which can give you an income for life! So it’s definitely worth pursuing affiliate marketing if you want more time, money and freedom. You can work from anywhere and earnings are potentially unlimited. Despite all these benefits many affiliates struggle and quit with a 95% drop out rate in the business.

Why is this? While affiliate marketing has so many benefits, the drawbacks are that it isn’t easy among the growing number of online users. It’s fairly competitive and you’ll need to stick with it for some time to be successful. During the beginning phase is when most people drop out.

Affiliate marketing is a performance based business which means that if you don’t make any sales, you don’t get paid. While this is also a benefit because of the earning potential it can offer, it can also be a drawback if you’re struggling.

Building An Email List

Ideally start out with an email marketing list, if you’re going to take affiliate marketing seriously. A list gives you control over your traffic. Without a list you’re relying on paid marketing or organic traffic, which can be time consuming to create. Over time as your list grows you’ll be able to promote your affiliate products automatically via email.

See also how to make money using email marketing.

PPC Vs Content Marketing

Pay Per Click is a popular way to attract an audience to be used to sell affiliate products. Simply set up an advertising campaign and send people to a website, or landing page. Collect their email addresses and send out automated messages linking to your affiliate products. Content marketing is another strategy which takes much longer.

This website, for example is used to attract an audience through content marketing. With content marketing, there’s a lot of work upfront. Sales can be made organically, from free traffic. Depending on your levels of patience and marketing budget, you might choose either of these two marketing strategies as an affiliate.

PPC is fast, but you’ll need a marketing budget to use it. Organic marketing is slow but cheap. You’ll need to build a lot of content to attract an audience. Either way it’s worth using email marketing to make more of the traffic you generate. Once you start building an email list you can build a longer term relationship with your subscribers. This is more difficult if they only stick around for a few minutes on a website.

Have you taken the money mindset quiz?

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Money Mindset Quiz PDF https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/money-mindset-quiz-pdf/ https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/money-mindset-quiz-pdf/#comments Tue, 15 Aug 2023 10:14:32 +0000 https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/?p=982 Welcome to this money mindset quiz pdf download. You can download this file in PDF format here. These questions will help you uncover your hidden subconscious beliefs around the subject…

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Welcome to this money mindset quiz pdf download. You can download this file in PDF format here.

These questions will help you uncover your hidden subconscious beliefs around the subject of money, wealth and the rich. Often we carry beliefs around with us which aren’t helpful. They perpetuate our circumstances despite our best efforts on the “outside” – even with huge physical and mental efforts.

money mindset quiz pdf

What we don’t realise is that we are creating results in our lives which reflect our inner beliefs about the world, ourselves and our money mindset. So if you hold a view that “money is the route of all evil” and you believe yourself to be good, for example, this can subtly undermine your efforts to attract money. If you believe that the rich are greedy and selfish, this belief can stop your attainment of wealth if you desire is to be selfless and giving, for example.

You can’t reconcile being noble/selfless and rich if you believe the rich are greedy. So you can see how such a belief might sabotage your efforts to attain wealth, due to the competing parts of yourself striving to be a “good” person, for instance!

Bringing these conflicts into your conscious awareness (with this quiz) is a good place to start if you want to attain greater levels of success and happiness, whatever that means in terms of money and the attainment of wealth.

Money Mindset Quiz PDF – Q & A

The more fully you answer these questions, the more you will discover about
the potential hidden “blockers” to money in your mind:

  • Money is….
  • Wealth is….
  • Rich people are…
  • The reasons I can’t or may not be extremely wealthy are…
  • Some of the possible negatives about being rich, or going through the process
    of trying to get rich are…
  • My greatest worries and fears regarding money and wealth are…
  • The worst thing about money is…
    Write as much as you can to answer these questions as fully as possible.
    If you have a particular goal about money that you want to achieve, negative
    ideas can act as “success blockers”. If you have any negative reasons for not
    making the money you say you want, they can easily manifest unconsciously,
    holding you back.
    Here’s a quick exercise to set a forward objective about your monthly income:
  • My current monthly income is…
  • At the end of the month I usually have this much money left in my back
  • My monthly income goal is…
  • At the end of the month, my goal for how much money I have left in my back
    account is…

Money Mindset Quiz PDF – Thought Provoking Questions To Uncover Your Beliefs Around Money

money mindset quiz pdf

Holding negative ideas/beliefs about money will hinder your progress if you
intend to create greater financial success. Here are some questions/beliefs
about money. Rate yourself from 1-10 as you read through them.
1 = disagree 100%, 10 = agree 100% .

  • Money is the route of all evil
  • It is more enlightened to be poor than rich
  • Rich people earn their money dishonestly
  • Having a lot of money will make me less spiritual or pure
  • Getting rich takes too much money and struggle
  • Having a lot of money is a big responsibility
  • I don’t feel good enough to be rich
  • Realistically, chances are I’ll never be rich
  • I’m striving for wealth but it doesn’t allow much time for anything
  • If I get rich, everyone will want something from me
  • If I get rich there are certain people in my life who wouldn’t like me
  • If I have a lot of money it means someone else will have less
  • Having excess money means you are greedy
  • I’m not very good in the area of money and finances
  • If I got a lot of money I might lose it
  • If I put a lot of effort into creating wealth and don’t succeed, I’ll feel like a
  • I have the potential for wealth, all I need is a break
  • This just isn’t the right time for me to start going for it financially
  • You can’t create wealth, and be happy and fulfilled at the same time
  • Money causes a lot of problems
  • It’s not right to make a lot more than my parents
  • You can’t get rich doing exactly what you love
  • It takes money to make money
  • Driving for wealth can cause stress and health problems
  • Most of the good opportunities are gone
  • It’s difficult to get rich these days

More Questions

Given my past it would be difficult to get rich

  • I’m too young to get rich
  • I’m too old to get rich
  • I don’t like promoting or selling
  • I wish I didn’t have to deal with money
  • I don’t enjoy managing money
  • I don’t have time to manage money
  • I don’t need to manage my money because I hardly have any
  • Money corrupts artistic and creative endeavours
  • It is not right for me to be rich while others have nothing
  • If you are not born rich, chances are you will never be rich
  • Rich people aren’t happy
  • If success comes easy, it’s not worth while
  • I’m too busy to put a lot of time and energy into learning
  • If I become rich that’s great, if not that is fine too
  • I don’t enjoy taking on responsibilities
  • I’m not a strong leader
  • I have some resentment towards extremely wealthy people
  • I’m a good giver, but not a good receiver
  • I’m already quite comfortable, I don’t need to push myself
  • When I have a lot of money, I’ll finally feel secure
  • By being rich, I’ll prove myself
  • To be rich, you have to use people and take advantage of them
  • Other people’s opinion of me are important
  • I’m not educated enough to get rich
  • Financial security comes from having a good job and a steady pay check
  • Money isn’t really that important

Limiting Beliefs Around Money

These questions can help you identify limiting beliefs around money which
you may have inherited from your surroundings as a small child.

  • What did you hear around money, wealth and rich people as a child (from your
    parents, family, society etc.)
  • What are 3 unsupportive beliefs you have or have had around money, success
    and being rich?
  • Write a positive or more empowering belief for each of the above.

Spend some time journaling out all the reasons it will serve the world for your
to become rich, what it will allow you to do, who you will be able to help and
so on.

  • Why does it serve the world for me to become rich?
    If you’re unclear on this, there could be some internal resistance to your
    continued success if you carry conflicting ideas on this topic.
money mindset quiz pdf


Print out this pdf and refer back to it periodically, going through the questions again as your understanding evolves. You will intuitively know which questions are counter productive to creating the life and financial situation you desire. Look at your answers and question how your answers are holding you in a limited paradigm which keeps you from the money you desire.

If you have enjoyed this post please share it. You can also download my ebook “Shift Your Money Mindset” here.

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Money Mindset Workbook PDF https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/money-mindset-workbook-pdf/ https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/money-mindset-workbook-pdf/#comments Sat, 01 Jul 2023 09:32:11 +0000 https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/?p=927 Looking for a money mindset workbook pdf? In this ebook you’ll learn a number of strategies to uncover your inner beliefs and ideas around the subject of money. If you’ve…

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Looking for a money mindset workbook pdf? In this ebook you’ll learn a number of strategies to uncover your inner beliefs and ideas around the subject of money. If you’ve ever wondered why things aren’t working out when you’re trying so hard, this one’s for you! Powerful ideas which you hold in your unconscious mind are working against your best intentions.

Before you were 10 years old, you have already picked up a number of beliefs which are rooted in your subconscious mind. To this day they conspire to keep your parents happy, but not you! You even perpetuate these ideas in your thinking and in your language; talking money away from you when it’s the very thing you want.

Have you ever caught yourself speaking/thinking against money with ideas like these:

  • The rich are greedy
  • Money is the root of all evil
  • I don’t care about money
  • Money isn’t everything
  • Money corrupts

Access Ebook and free email course here.

Money Mindset Workbook PDF – About Me

I struggled with money for years, trying every job under the sun to make a living. But the problem wasn’t in what I was doing. It was in the way I was thinking. When I got aligned and started changing the way I thought about money, and myself, things began to change. In my late 30’s I was still struggling with money, working low paid jobs trying to scrape by. I had trained as a stuntman, but struggled to get work. Here’s a picture of me working on X-Men First Class.

money mindset workbook pdf
That’s me doubling for Nicholas Hoult on X-Men First Class

At 38 I had had enough of it. Tired of the constant struggle and always in debt, I dropped a job working as a HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) driver and dedicated myself to understanding the law of attraction. I read every book on this topic I could get my hands on from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, to Wallace Wattles’s The Science Of Getting Rich. Many of them I have shared on this website through my blog in PDF format.

I joined an online business mentorship program where I learned more about my unconscious behaviour patterns and began to uncover some interesting insights about my patterns.

In my ebook “Shift Your Money Mindset” I will share them with you and give you the power to uncover your inner conflicts so you can align both your conscious and unconscious minds to purposefully move towards the direction of success; whatever that means for you.

I’ll also share through my emails some of the resources I have found so helpful in my life.

What You’ll Learn

Here’s a few of the things I share in this ebook:

Chapter 1 – Questions and Answers

In this section you’ll answer a number of questions designed to show you in depth the way you see money, the wealthy and yourself. Your self image is an important part of your subconscious programming. So if you have a poor self image, it’s going to sabotage your ability to create the life you really want.

Chapter 2 – Stalking

Stalking is a technique I learned which helps uncover your unconscious behaviour patterns which can keep you stuck for years. I also share a couple of other powerful techniques to understand how you perpetuate lack and uncertainty in your life. Once you see this, you can’t un-see it! Just uncovering your own subconscious views and beliefs and world view can give you huge insight into changing your approach.

Chapter 3 – Making The Shift

Making the shift means consciously changing the words you use, and the thoughts you’re giving energy to. You have likely been thinking in a certain way for years. So it can take some time to completely change how you see things and how you see yourself in particular. This is something you need to continue to keep up with if you want change. It’s not an overnight job!

Chapter 4 – Mantras and Self Image

Your self image is one of the most important pieces of your subconscious programming. In this chapter we are going to overhaul your subconscious programming and change your self image for the better. This starts with the thoughts and words you’re “feeding” your subconscious mind on a daily basis. We’re going to give you some tools to shift your mindset around money for more positive outcomes in your life.

Chapter 5 – Changing The Way You Earn

Our programming tells us to get a good job and work our way up. But if you’ve struggled to make ends meet in a normal job, you’ll appreciate that working for a boss doesn’t always set you free financially. Instead of trading your time in a job, there’s other ways you can work. Here’s I talk about how I used the internet to earn a living and how anyone can do this even with nothing to sell and no prior experience.

Chapter 6 – Gratitude

This book wouldn’t be complete with a mention of gratitude. All the books I’ve read on the law of attraction and money mindset mention gratitude as a powerful manifestation tool. When we are stuck on our struggles and pain, it gives rise to us looking for more things to become dissatisfied by. The cycle of pain grows and grows until it is unbearable! Gratitude is the antidote to this. When you practice gratitude on a daily basis, things can dramatically change within a very short amount of time, and the way you feel (in the moment) can change instantly.

Chapter 7 – Money Habits Of The Wealthy

In this chapter we will look at the money habits of the wealthy. The wealthy know how to use their money rather than spend it. Most people, once they get paid, pay their bills and spend what’s left. They live to their means. The wealthy know how to live below their means. This becomes a life-long habit, which means they always have money saved for investments and opportunities.

If your spending is out of control, this chapter will show you how to become more mindful of the habits which stop you acquiring money and keeping it. Even on a small income, you can implement these strategies and make them a habit. Over time your savings will grow and you will become more self disciplined with how you spend your money.

Download This Workbook Completely FREE Here!

Access free ebook and email course here.

money mindset workbook pdf

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Money Mindset Shift https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/money-mindset-shift/ https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/money-mindset-shift/#respond Fri, 30 Jun 2023 14:38:15 +0000 https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/?p=901 To make a money mindset shift isn’t easy because you’ve likely been thinking the same thoughts about money for years. Before you were 10 years old, you will have picked…

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To make a money mindset shift isn’t easy because you’ve likely been thinking the same thoughts about money for years. Before you were 10 years old, you will have picked up ideas about money, the “rich” and what you’re capable of from your parents. You didn’t have the cognitive skills to reject any ideas as a child. So they simply entered into your mind and became solid beliefs which continue to shape your world view.

money mindset shift

Think back to the thoughts and ideas your parents had about money. What were the messages you received from them? Were there thoughts of plenty and abundance, or were there some ideas of lack and limitation there? Did your parents fight about money, or control? Ideas backed by strong emotions are powerful, especially if you picked them up when you were very young.

What are some of your beliefs about money now? How do you think of the rich? How does your thinking limit your ability to make more money?

Money Mindset Shift – Noticing Your Thinking

One way you can bring awareness into your thinking processes is through the practice of meditation. When you meditate, you can sit quietly and observe your thinking. In particular, notice strong emotions which relate to your ability to make money. You can also notice what your friends and relatives talk about when it comes to money. Pay particular attention because you likely have similar ideas around the subject as those you spend the most time with.

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with” – Jim Rohn

Once you start noticing how your circle of influence see money, and how they see you too, you can bring some awareness to the topic. Spend some time silently noticing how people around you talk about money and related topics. Do they talk of plenty/abundance of of lack and struggle? Once you practice this regularly you will start to notice how you literally talk money away from you with some of the things you say. Especially notice when there’s strong emotions attached to it. When you talk strongly about your struggles, about lack and limitation and how difficult things are, you’re re-affirming it to yourself.

Money Mindset Shift – Affirmations

Affirmations can help you shift your money mindset towards more ease and abundance and away from lack, limitation and hardship. So once you have spent some time noticing how you talk about these things, you can begin to create some new affirmations which are more supportive of your intention to create more abundance.

Old ideas, once made conscious can be switched to new affirmations. Here’s a few examples:

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees: money comes easily and frequently
  • The rich are greedy: the rich are generous
  • I’ll always struggle with money: I allow myself to make money easily
  • I hate capitalism: the free market allows me more freedom
  • I’ll never be rich: I am already rich in many ways
  • I can’t afford it: How could I afford it?
  • Why do things never work for me?: How can things work out better for me?

So as you start to bring more awareness to the negative ways in which you talk money away from you, replace negative affirmations with these new ones.

The Power Of The Subconscious

Your subconscious mind is powerful and listens to everything you are thinking and saying. Since your mind whirls continuously, it’s important to give yourself some new stories to replace the old ones with. If you keep telling yourself “you’re no good”, or that “life’s a struggle”, the unconscious mind receives this message and begins to deliver results of a like nature.

When you notice these destructive thoughts pay attention, you are sowing the seeds of your future with them. Once you learn how to switch the script which continuously flows through your mind, things can and will change, and quite rapidly.

No one will talk to you as much as you talk to yourself. So getting inside this inner dialogue and changing it to a more positive script is paramount to your money mindset shift.

You can read Shad Helmstetter’s book “What To Say When You Talk To Yourself” here.

Shifting your inner dialogue is one of the most powerful ways you can instigate change permanently in your life.

Join my free email course to help you change your money mindset permanently here.

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Until You Make The Unconscious Conscious https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/until-you-make-the-unconscious-conscious/ https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/until-you-make-the-unconscious-conscious/#respond Thu, 29 Jun 2023 07:53:41 +0000 https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/?p=878 C.G. Jung — ‘Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.’ What did Carl Jung mean when he said this? Deep-seated…

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C.G. Jung — ‘Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.’ What did Carl Jung mean when he said this? Deep-seated beliefs and parts of your personality that you aren’t even aware of are controlling the events of your life, and you don’t even know it. So how can you change that which you’re completely unaware of? You can’t. So you must become aware of these unconscious beliefs. By shining the light of your conscious awareness on them, you can see the beliefs you hold which are contrary to what you desire to achieve.

until you make the unconscious conscious

So for example if you want to attain greater financial prosperity, but have contrary beliefs such as “I’ll never have enough” or “the rich are greedy“, you’ll sabotage any efforts to create more prosperity and you’ll do it unconsciously.

So how can you become more aware of the thoughts and beliefs which are holding you back?

Until You Make The Unconscious Conscious – Thoughts, Words, Outcomes

Your thoughts are the precursors to the events and circumstances in your life. If you don’t believe something is possible, you won’t even attempt it. Therefore before anything can come about in your life deliberately, you will need to have thoughts about it beforehand.

“TRULY, “thoughts are things,” and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects.” – Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich

But thoughts can act like blockers to the very things we want, too. If we think thoughts of opposition to that which we want, we block ourselves from the happiness and success we truly want to attain in life. Such ideas like:

  • “I’ll never get out of debt”
  • “Why do I always struggle?”
  • “I hate the rich”
  • “Money is always a struggle”
  • “Life is hard”

To become more aware of the thoughts you are continually giving energy to, (and therefore which control your actions), there’s a few things you can do.

Until You Make The Unconscious Conscious – Meditation & Stalking

Meditation is a useful strategy to observe your thinking patterns. Most people think unconsciously and their thoughts slide past their awareness. But when you sit quietly in mediation, you can observe them from a more distanced perspective. When you do this, you can bring about a greater awareness to your thinking patterns and how they may control your life.

until you make the unconscious conscious

In particular, notice thoughts which talk against the thing you say you want. So if you want more financial abundance, notice those thoughts which talk of struggle, worry and strife.

To “stalk” you thoughts throughout the day, set a timer so it goes off at irregular intervals throughout the day. Stop and notice your thinking and make a written note of these three questions:

  • What were you thinking?
  • What were you doing?
  • Do you want this?

Stalking is useful because it shows you where you mental and physical energy is going on a daily basis. Do this exercise for a week and you’ll be surprised at how much your thinking is contrary to what you say you want. See also money mentality makeover for more on this.

Until You Make The Unconscious Conscious – Birds Of A Feather…

Birds of a feather flock together.

Jim Rohn “You are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with”.

Your friends and closest family members will likely reflect the thoughts you have about yourself and the world. If you want to make a lasting change in your life, change the people you hang around with to those who have achieved the things you want to attain.

If you hang around with moaners and complainers, it’s likely that this attitude will rub off on you, if it hasn’t already. Notice what your closest friends say and how they talk about the thing/things you want to change in your life. Spend a week just observing without reacting or saying anything.

You’ll learn a lot about their unconscious beliefs and also your own. By association, you will likely have some similar ideas. This practice will make you more conscious of them.

What Now?

until you make the unconscious conscious

So you’ve spent a bit of time uncovering your unconscious beliefs around a given subject. Now what? Hopefully you have uncovered some truths about how you see the world and noticed some unhelpful beliefs which are creating some of the things in your life which you want to change.

Sometimes, through hypnosis, the subject is able to resolve an internal conflict once their awareness of it changes. Phobias are a good example of this. Once you discover why you have a phobia, you can resolve it. However, some ideas are so deeply embedded in your subconscious that they are more difficult to change.

As you bring more awareness to the thoughts and words which you give attention and power to, you will see how it shows up in your life. You can replace some unhelpful ideas and beliefs with new ones which are more empowering:

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees: money comes easily and frequently
  • The rich are greedy: the rich are generous
  • I’ll always struggle with money: I allow myself to make money easily
  • I hate capitalism: the free market allows me more freedom
  • I’ll never be rich: I am already rich in many ways
  • Why do things never work for me?: How can things work out better for me?

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Money Mentality Makeover https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/money-mentality-makeover/ https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/money-mentality-makeover/#respond Wed, 28 Jun 2023 15:52:22 +0000 https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/?p=848 In this post you’ll be getting a money mentality makeover! Your thoughts about yourself, money, wealth and the rich will affect how you see money, how you see yourself, and…

The post Money Mentality Makeover appeared first on Money Mindset Coach.

In this post you’ll be getting a money mentality makeover! Your thoughts about yourself, money, wealth and the rich will affect how you see money, how you see yourself, and how money flows into or out of your life.

If you have some negative ideas around the subject of money, and most people do, we’re going to shine the light of awareness on it, so you can change it! You can’t change something if you don’t even know it exists! So shining a light on your deepest feelings about money is a good first step.

This is an exercise to help you get more clarity about how you think about money. Be honest with your answers and write anything positive/negative which may be in your mind. The more fully you answer these questions, (and the more honestly), the more you will discover about the potential hidden “blockers” to money in your inner mind:

  • Money is….
  • Wealth is….
  • Rich people are…
  • The reasons I can’t or may not be extremely wealthy are…
  • Some of the possible negatives about being rich, or going through the process of trying to get rich are…
  • My greatest worries and fears regarding money and wealth are…
  • The worst thing about money is…
  • My reasons why I don’t want to be rich are…
  • Poor people are…..

There’s more questions in my article money mindset pdf too. Go through the article and write out all your answers being as honest as you can.

Money Mentality Makeover – Changing Your Mind

Write out the following on a piece of paper and answer as fully as you can:

  • What did you hear around money, wealth and rich people as a child (from your parents, family, society etc.)?
  • What are 3 unsupportive beliefs you have or have had around money, success and being rich?
  • Write a positive or more empowering belief for each of the above.

The thoughts you carry about yourself, money and becoming more wealthy are likely offering you some resistance to increasing money in your life. If you harbour negative ideas in your consciousness, you’re going to attract situations, circumstances and events which are a match for those beliefs/ideas. Wouldn’t it be a better idea to offer up new beliefs which are more supportive of your ideal outcome of making more money?

“…the key to success and the key to failure is this: WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT” – Earl Nightingale The Strangest Secret

By choosing our thinking more deliberately, we can “feed” our subconscious mind with thoughts of wealth and plenty.

Money Mentality Makeover: A Meditation

money mentality makeover

The trouble is, we think the way we have always done habitually for many years. So thinking becomes an unconscious habit. You can’t very well change that if you’re totally unaware of it! So the first step towards your money mentality makeover is to become conscious of the thoughts you habitually give energy to.

This can take some inner work and we’re going to cover that here.

Sit comfortably in a place you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and pay attention to your breath. Watch the breath as your body raises and falls with each in and out breath. Count from 1 to 5 with each full breath and then start again at 1. As you continue with this practice for several minutes, you will notice your mind interjecting. The “chatter” of your mind can almost bring the practice to a stop. But be patient and simply watch the mind, without entering into any discussion with it.

Make this a daily practice by starting with just 5 minutes. As you persevere you will start to see that the chatter of the mind doesn’t stop. Extend the time each day until you are meditating for 20 minutes at a time for each sitting. Each time you notice the mind chatter, bring your awareness back to your breath and counting from 1-5 again.

Stalking The Mind: Yaqui Indian Style

This stalking technique comes from the books of Carlos Castaneda. You can find it in this book, the teachings of Don Carlos:

This technique can help you identify your thoughts and actions which you perpetuate and helps you become more conscious of both. Take a timer, and set it to go off at intervals throughout the day. Make them arbitrary, so you won’t guess when the timer is about to go off. So not on a hourly interval, because you could easily guess when it would go off. The idea is for the timer to catch you off guard.

Keep a pen and paper handy and when the timer goes off, write down these three things:

  • What were you thinking?
  • What were you doing?
  • Do you want this?

The benefit of this exercise is to give you clarity on your thinking and “doing” processes, which are often unconscious. By shining a light of your awareness on these two important aspects of your life, you can gain much clarity on the ideas you perpetuate through your thoughts and actions.

By answering the third question each time the timer goes off, you can become clear on whether these are the thoughts and actions which are taking you where (you say) you want to go in life.

money mentality makeover
Get the book What To Say When You Talk To Yourself here.


The brain simply believes what you tell it most. And what you tell it about you, it will create. It has no choice” – Shad Helmstetter, What You Say When You Talk To Yourself

So why not talk success, wealth and happiness into your life? The reason is that your habitual thinking patterns are well worn in. They are like grooves in your mind which have deepened over the years. To change your engrained thinking patterns isn’t an easy feat. After all, your whole life is a reminder that your thoughts were real, because your life represents the reality you have created.

Your friends are mirrors who reflect your beliefs back to you:

Jim Rohn “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”

To make change you need to get conscious about the ideas you give energy to. Start by observing and uncovering your limiting beliefs around the subject of money. Notice those around you, your friends and relatives, and how they talk about money. Is it all positive? Most likely not. Most likely there is some charge on the subject and some negativity and limitation.

Join my email list and get regular emails on this topic to help you change your money mindset!

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How To Automate Income https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/how-to-automate-income/ https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/how-to-automate-income/#respond Wed, 28 Jun 2023 11:59:46 +0000 https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/?p=821 Wondering how to automate income? Most of us have been taught you must work hard for money; to get a good job and work your way up. But trading your…

The post How To Automate Income appeared first on Money Mindset Coach.

Wondering how to automate income? Most of us have been taught you must work hard for money; to get a good job and work your way up. But trading your time for money in a job comes from industrial age thinking. We inherited this belief system from our parents. They were assured of a long-term position if they got a good job and worked hard. But today this is no longer the case. Many people are working several jobs because the “job for life” no longer exists!

We’re now in the digital age and technology is far ahead of our thinking processes. If we want to get ahead in today’s world, we need to think differently.

Access to digital technology today means we can earn differently, if only we will seek to understand how.

How To Automate Income – Websites

how to automate income

According to the World Bank, the digital economy makes up more than 15% of the global GDP and has grown 2.5 times faster over the previous ten years than the GDP of the physical world.

Websites operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week uninterrupted. This is the key to making an automated income from anywhere. From websites anyone can sell other people’s products and services using a business model called affiliate marketing.

Affiliates are third party sales people who act as the middleman in online purchases.

how to automate income

How To Automate Your Income – How To Become An Affiliate

Anyone can become an affiliate marketer and learn how to promote and sell other people’s products and services online. Affiliates do all kinds of things to sell online but once they have learned a good strategy, they can sell on autopilot without having to physically do anything. This is the key to escaping the trap of trading time for money in a job – selling products online using automation and digital technology.

To become an affiliate you only need join an affiliate program, of which there are many. Amazon, for example is one of the most popular and well known affiliate programs. Anyone can join it and sell anything from the site for a commission based on the sale.

Once you join an affiliate program you’ll get an affiliate link to the product you wish to promote. You then need to learn how to promote that link in order to make sales. There’s several strategies you can use to do this, but ultimately you can automate the process of online selling which allows you to make sales in your sleep!

how to automate income

What Affiliates Do To Sell Products

Affiliates use many tactics and strategies to sell products and services online. Here’s just a few methods you can employ:

  • Blogging – this website is an example of a blog website
  • Paid marketing – Google Adwords, for example, is a popular paid advertising platform
  • Email marketing – through building an email list you can promote affiliate products to your subscribers (join my list and access my money mindset course on this website)
  • Social media marketing – you can use paid and unpaid social media marketing strategies.
  • SEO – search engine optimisation – optimised websites appear on the search engine results pages (Google’s first page)
  • Video marketing – both paid and unpaid strategies


Affiliate marketing is one of the most accessible ways you can use to automate an income through the sale of goods and services online. Anyone can become an affiliate and earn an income online through online referrals.

Learn more about affiliate marketing and get help and support. Access this video to learn more.

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What To Say When You Talk To Yourself PDF https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/what-to-say-when-you-talk-to-yourself-pdf/ https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/what-to-say-when-you-talk-to-yourself-pdf/#comments Tue, 27 Jun 2023 11:22:10 +0000 https://moneymindsetcoachonline.com/?p=806 Looking for Shad Helmstetter’s What To Say When You Talk To Yourself PDF? You can download the pdf here. This is one of my personal favourite self help books and…

The post What To Say When You Talk To Yourself PDF appeared first on Money Mindset Coach.

Looking for Shad Helmstetter’s What To Say When You Talk To Yourself PDF? You can download the pdf here.

what to say when you talk to yourself pdf

This is one of my personal favourite self help books and I’ve recommended it to many of my friends. The crux of this great book is that:

The brain simply believes what you tell it most. And what you tell it about you, it will create. It has no choice” – Shad Helmstetter, What You Say When You Talk To Yourself

If this statement is true, and I believe it to be, then we should make all our efforts to talk to ourselves as though our future depended on the very content we deliver. The problem is though that most people are too busy telling themselves “I’m not good enough”, or “This only works for some”, “I’ll never make it”, or some other negative suggestion! They do so repeatedly too, which of course brings about the effects of such suggestions, proving them right in their beliefs! If only they were to read this book, all things would change for them if this realisation occurred!

It was really this book which fully awakened me to this concept, despite having read many other similar ones on the same idea.

What To Say When You Talk To Yourself PDF – Motivation

“How about being your own motivator? How about taking charge and putting yourself back in control? You can, just by learning that all true motivation – the only kind that lasts, the only kind you can count on – is internal motivation.

Imagine having a coach that stayed with you, season after season and every day in between. Imagine not needing to wait for someone else to rely on yourself to always automatically and unconsciously energize your spirit. focus your attention, and keep you in tune, on top, in touch, and going for it!

Can you imagine never again needing someone else to prod or push you into activating your own best interests?

Your own internal coach is waiting to do just that. It is your best friend, your closest ally, your strongest believer…will show you the best in yourself and help you achieve it….will give you direction, put purpose in your stride, strengthen your will, and give you unquestioned belief. It’s is loyal to the end. It is the coach that never goes home…the ultimate motivator. It will never fail you..it cannot – it is you! ” – Shad Helmstetter What To Say When You Talk To Yourself

what to say when you talk to yourself pdf


If you only download one of the books I recommend, make it this one. It offers one of the best answers to pretty much any problem you might be having – the way you speak to yourself in your head. This little voice follows you for your entire life. It can be your best friend or your worse enemy. Shad Helmstetter suggests you make it your best friend.

Make it your motivator and ally, rather than what most people allow which is to make it your worse enemy. Thoughts become things and by becoming conscious of the thoughts you’re consistently “feeding” your subconscious mind with, you can program yourself towards a better future.

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