Money Mindset Book Pdf

Welcome to this money mindset book pdf which you can download by clicking on the image below.

money mindset book pdf

Here’s a quick glimpse of what you’ll get in each chapter of the ebook:


1 – Questions and answers
2 – Uncovering your hidden beliefs
3 – Making the shift
4 – Installing New programs
5 – Changing the way you earn
6 – Gratitude
7 – Money Principles Of The Wealthy

Money Mindset Book PDF – Chapter 1 – Questions and Answers

You can find some of the money mindset questions and answers in the money mindset quiz pdf, too. These are questions around your beliefs about money, the wealthy and how you see yourself. If you carry negative connotations about money, it’s likely that some of these are holding you from attracting more money into your life.

For example, if you hold negative ideas towards the rich, such as “the rich are greedy” or some other such negative idea, becoming rich may conflict with how you see yourself – perhaps as generous! Or you may believe that by becoming rich it would sully your good character in some way, because of how you perceive those who have greater financial abundance that you.

One of the largest building blocks of your current world view is how you see yourself – your identity or self image. So letting go of old ideas of yourself might be necessary to creating more wealth and abundance in your life.

money mindset book pdf

Money Mindset Book PDF – Chapter 2 – Uncovering Hidden Beliefs

Once you start to see your limiting beliefs about money, you can start to shed some light on them. Only when you become aware will you be able to shift your awareness. It’s likely that you’ve been giving attention and energy to your beliefs and ideas for some time, perhaps years. So shifting your internal belief system and inner “compass” can take some doing. The first step is to start noticing how you think and talk about yourself and about money, the rich and the wealthy.

Unless you notice some contrary beliefs around the topic, you’ll continue to talk and thing away money and the good it can bring into your life. Often these ideas are tied up with your identity, your friends and relatives and how you see yourself in the world. This is why it can take some work to shed the ideas of your past to create a new more prosperous future for yourself.

Money Mindset Book PDF – Chapter 3 – Making The Shift

Once you have identified some of your ideas which keep you financially limited, you can begin to introduce new ideas. Identify an old belief around money which is limiting. For example, money doesn’t grow on trees” is a common expression. But it has limiting connotations.

Once you notice yourself expressing a limiting view such as this, you can stop and take note. Introduce a new idea such as “money comes easily and frequently”. Whenever you hear yourself saying (or thinking) the old (limiting) idea, make a habit out of using your new one. Say your new idea/mantra many times for each time you say your old one. Eventually you will let go of your old, limiting beliefs and replace them with the new ones.

Chapter 4 – Installing New Programs

New mantras will replace the old ones which were actively talking money away from you. Here’s a few ideas for mantras you can introduce:

  • I get paid for being me
  • I create money easily and freely
  • I enjoy making money in ways that a pleasing to me
  • Making money is easy
  • I am abundant

Remember your old programming will have been around for some time. So they are “hard wired” into your subconscious programming. To make new mantras count, you’ll need to make them as powerful as your old ones were. This means making a habit out of repeating them over and over until they are ultimately accepted by your subconscious mind. This can take some time, so be patient and keep practicing them even if you don’t really believe them at first.

money mindset book pdf

Chapter 5 – Changing The Way You Earn

Most people earn through working in a job – trading their time for money. However, with the internet and technology there’s never been a better time to learn a new strategy for earning an income.

One simple strategy is to sell products and services online as an affiliate marketer. Affiliates get paid for product referrals, and you don’t need any products or services of your own to become an affiliate and earn money online. See affiliate marketing mentors for more on this topic.

Chapter 6 – Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful way to shift your mindset towards a more pleasing vibration. Most of us are in the habit of being unhappy! We focus on the news and doom and gloom of the world. This sends our minds looking for more things which attract this same vibration.

We worry and stress and this brings about more worry and stress. When we learn to practice gratitude we are reversing this pattern and programming our minds for a pleasing stat of being-ness. This “being-ness” attracts better things into our lives from within.

It is often when we are struggling in life, trying to control everything on the “outside”, by planning and organising, that we forget it’s our inner state which is just as (if not more powerful) at drawing in circumstances, people and events which can be life changing.

Chapter 7 – Money Habits Of The Wealthy

The wealthy know a few tricks which everyone should start applying to their lives if they want to create more wealth and abundance. For starters, most people live to their means. The wealthy know to pay themselves first. This means that before any money goes out, they pay into a savings account a portion of their earnings. Over time this money compounds and grows with interest. Even if your budget is tight, you may be able to cut back on your spending and save a little each month.

This money gives them more choice and they can use it for investments, businesses and other ways to earn money.


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