A little about me! Hi, I’m Tim Halloran and I’m the creator of this website. I’ve always had an interest in psychology and became more interested in my “money mindset” after facing several years of financial difficulty.

about me

Money was always an issue for me and in my 20’s I worked multiple low income jobs, struggling to make ends meet. I was directionless and at age 24 I met a stuntman. I knew this was my ticket to a better life and I started training to become a stunt professional. In 2002 I qualified for The British Stunt Register but it wasn’t until 2004 that I got my first paid job as a stunt performer.

In the interim years I worked juggling different jobs, working on building sites, as a taxi driver and getting temporary work wherever I could. The phone would ring, and I’d be off working on a film or TV show! Some years were quiet and others were busy. By the time I reached 38 years old, I was still in this pattern.

Life was always uncertain because I never knew whether I would get work or not. I’d become accustomed to living life with a lot of uncertainty and I didn’t plan anything or go on holiday. I just waited for the phone call, which often didn’t come!

I realised I was trapped by the “golden handcuffs” of the well paid stunt work. But I couldn’t seem to find anything which paid the same, or was as much fun! But life wasn’t fun anymore and years had passed and I was still in the same situation.

About Me: A New Start

I looked to the internet for some answers and found a business model known as affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a business whereby anyone can earn online from selling other people’s products and services. So I started learning it so I could build an escape plan from the job juggling which was making my life a misery!

It was during my training and education as an affiliate that I came to learn more about money mindset. I met mentors who coached me on the topic and I read many books on the subject too. You can find some of the best books on this topic on my affiliate website here. Books like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and Wallace Wattles The Science Of Getting Rich helped me understand more about how my beliefs fuelled my mindset.

I read everything I could on the topic, determined to improve my life, which seemed like a constant struggle. After having found several online mentors and coaches, who helped me with my financial thermostat, I realised I was perpetuating my financial problems myself though lack of self belief and self worth and a poor self image. I began doing exercises to improve my self image, self esteem and change my relationship with money. A gratitude diary helped to shift my energy from struggle, difficulty and frustration to a better vibration. I was also recommended several books on the topic of money. Here’s just a few of them:

  • Think and grow Rich – Napoleon Hill,
  • The New Psycho-cybernetics – Maxwell Maltz,
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki,
  • Zero Limits – Joe Vitale,
  • Ask and It Is Given – Ester & Jerry Hicks,
  • Start With Why – Simon Sinek
  • The Automatic Millionaire – David Bach


I decided to build this website to help others change their relationship with money. I think three of the the key aspects to concentrate on are

  • Become aware of your relationship with money (bring awareness to your programs & money beliefs)
  • Practice gratitude any time you receive any amount of money
  • Become aware of your financial thermostat and know you have the power to change it.

Changing your inner beliefs around money starts with becoming aware of them. When you don’t know that they exist it’s very difficult to change them. Gratitude changes your vibration and thinking patterns, which are hard wired into your experience. Your financial thermostat is the program running in the background which is your acceptable level of income. If you’ve ever noticed some self sabotage going on in terms of income, it’s your financial thermostat kicking in, maintaining your income at your acceptable level.

I hope I can help you with this website: money mindset coach online!