Welcome to Money Mindset Coach Online!

money mindset coach online

What exactly is money mindset? Your “money mindset” refers to the beliefs and ideas you hold around money, income, wealth and the “rich”. Your attitudes and ideas around money can shape your ability to earn and create money.

If you’re struggling with money, it can be a sign that you have some negative attitudes about it. Ideas such as “money doesn’t grow on trees”, “it’s difficult earning money”, “the rich are greedy” or “getting money corrupts” are long established ideas which can take physical form if you hold onto them. Money even has negative connotations in the Bible: “love of money is the route of all evil”. This is often converted to the modern day “money is the route of all evil”.

If you hold this belief, somewhere in your consciousness, it’s sure to present some problems. And how about Mathew 19:24 Jesus said to his disciples “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” 

money mindset coach

Ideas about money are often long established ones which took route before we were able to consciously reject an idea. Before you are 10 years old, you have picked up many subtle ideas, beliefs and attitudes which relate to money.

Because these ideas are deep in your unconscious mind, you may be completely unaware of them. They can hold you back, keep you in poverty and limit your ability to create financial success. Over time, ideas and beliefs about money become self fulfilling. When you’re struggling, earning money and keeping money is actually difficult. You’re all the more likely to repeat the mantra “making money is difficult” in such situations, reaffirming the belief and keeping you in the same paradigm.

Money Mindset Coach: Shifting Your Money Paradigm

Your ideas about money will often have come from your early childhood. Think back to some early memories about money. Perhaps your parents fought about it, or it was a means of control. The “earner” perhaps had more power in the relationship? Perhaps money was a contentious issue. What did your parents think and feel about money? Did they encourage you to earn your own money? Was money a “good” thing, or did it bring up some negative connotations? What do you first remember hearing about money?

Your emotions around money are perhaps those you will have inherited unconsciously. This means, that no matter how hard you try to create money, by working, planning, thinking and doing, money will continue to evade you – if you continue to hold these ideas. Unless you tackle the route cause of your difficulties with money, that is, your unconscious beliefs, ideas and attitudes about it, you’ll most likely continue along as you have always done.

To shift your money paradigm, you need some new ideas about money, to replace your old ones. However, you have probably been reinforcing your old beliefs about money for some time; years perhaps? Ask yourself how you feel about yourself and your worth? Do you feel as if you really deserve to have a lot of money? Do you feel good imagining having money? Or does it bring up some negative feelings and connotations? Perhaps you feel you’ll have more responsibilities with more money? Or more problems – “more money more problems” is another negative attitude towards having money. Or, you could be deliberately lowering your financial thermostat so as not to outshine a sibling, or earn more than a parent, to help maintain the status quo, for example.

Money Mindset Coach: Awareness

The first step in shifting your ideas about money is to bring them into your conscious awareness. Some therapists cure phobias simply by doing this alone; bringing awareness to the problem, which was previously unconscious. Once someone sees that they have a limiting idea around money, something inside shifts, and they can see more clearly what has been holding them back from the life they truly want and deserve.

It can help to work through beliefs and attitudes with a therapist, or NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) coach for example. But you can also pay attention to your words and thoughts around money, self belief and self worth. These are some of the key elements which relate to your ability to earn and keep money.

Keep a journal handy and write down anything negative you say about yourself or your attitude towards money for a week. This will give you some insights about how you view your self worth and how you view money. You can use a gratitude journal too to help you shift your energy and mindset towards a more pleasing outcome.

Mantras too are useful for shifting your money beliefs. If you identified a negative attitude or belief such as “making money is tough”, use a new mantra such as “money comes easily and frequently”, or “I enjoy making money”, or “I get paid for being me”.

Mantras and Beliefs

Mantras can be useful to help shift old beliefs and attitudes towards self worth and money. But remember, you have probably been using old mantras for a long time, unconsciously. Your negative ideas about money will be ingrained strongly in your identity, self worth and belief system. After many years of using this operating system, your life becomes a representation of them, and events, circumstances and things transpire which are congruent with your beliefs.

Think about the saying “too good to be true” for example. Have you even said something is “too good to be true”, such as an opportunity, circumstance or relationship for example? Taken at face value this is a common saying, but if you realise that it also means there’s a limit on what good you can receive, and that the truth can’t be too good, therefore it must be bad, or a little bad!

Unpick your ideas by bringing awareness to them and replacing old sayings with more positive ones which talk into existence the things you truly want, not the things you don’t. “The word became flesh” (John 1:14) is also a phrase from the Bible, meaning you are talking things into existence with your words. Spelling is the forming of words with letters in an accepted order but it also can mean the “casting of spells”! Watch your words and pay attention. You will often say things which you are unaware of and until you have done this exercise you may be unaware of the many unconscious things you say which talk money away from you.


You can change your mindset towards money. First you need to bring awareness to your money mindset. Do you think you are holding some negative ideas around money? If so this could be holding you back from a fuller and more enjoyable life. “Money isn’t everything” (another belief), but life is much better when you have money than when you don’t!

“Money doesn’t bring you happiness” (another belief) might be a true statement, but poverty can bring you even greater misery! By getting to know your reasoning for how money flows in and out of your life, you can get clearer on the ideas which may not support your intention to create more money in your life. A belief such as “money makes people greedy”, or “money corrupts” can be incredibly detrimental to your ability to create and build wealth and live more fully.

Just identifying some of your negative programming around money can be enough to cause you to shift your thinking. You can also get a money mindset coach to help you dive deeper into your deeper programming around money, self worth and wealth.