Mazwell Maltz’s PsychoCybernetics Pdf was first published in 1960 and has become a classic! It has inspired and enhanced the lives of more than 30 million readers.
Cybernetics can be defined as “the study of systems of any nature which are capable of receiving, storing, and processing information so as to use it for control“. Psycho relates to the mind. So psycho-cybernetics refers to the systems of control relating to the mind.
Here’s Maxwell Maltz’s PDF book.
Maltz was a plastic surgeon who noticed many of his patients were unhappy still after their surgery. He discovered that it was the self image which has a controlling effect on someone’s life. The self perception, self image or “identity” is a strong set of beliefs and ideas tied up with how you see yourself. So if you’ve been struggling in some way, and tried everything else, there’s a good chance your self image is to blame! But because the self image is deeply buried in the sub-conscious mind, it’s easily overlooked.
No amount of struggle and hard work on “the outside” of life will change your perception of self if you don’t alter it from within. So by changing the thoughts and emotions which you consistently and persistently give energy to, you can alter how you see yourself. This is the crux of Maxwell Maltz’s book.
PsychoCybernetics PDF – Dehypnotise Yourself
How do you see yourself?
How do you think of yourself on a daily basis?
What thought patterns can you identify which feed into a poor self image?
Once you have identified negative thought patterns which relate to how you see yourself, you can begin the process of changing your self image.
“Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies” – Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Pscyho-cybernetics is about uncovering the lies you once believed. The “facts” about you which you once believed may not even be true at all. But once you believe them, they become a part of your identity. Once engrained, your actions and outcomes become tied to these once thought about beliefs, which no longer serve you. When you can uncover them for the lies they are, you can weaken their controlling influence over your life.
In what ways do you avoid things because “that’s not the sort of thing that I do”, for example? In what ways do you avoid things because of how you see yourself?
PsychoCybernetics Pdf – Switching The Script
Once you have spent some time investigating these assumptions you have made about yourself, you can uncover your self image, which is often related to the story you tell yourself. Here’s a few of the things you can start doing to notice what’s really going on “under the hood” of your mind:
- Watch your thoughts during meditation – meditation can be used as a tool to notice the inner dialogue. Watch your thoughts and particularly what you think and say about yourself
- How you interact with others says a lot about how you see yourself too – do you take the lead or stand back? Are you a leader or a follower? Are you confident in conversation?
- What’s your story? As you interact with others you will tell your story. Is it full of woes and difficulties? If so you may have picked up a “poor me” story about yourself. This “strategy” works as a child, who gets more attention from a parent by doing so. But as an adult it’s not such a good strategy! Do you moan and complain?
- Who you hang around with – who’s is your circle of influence? As Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”.
Replacing Some Negative Programming With Positive Suggestions
Once you have uncovered some of your negative self suggestions, you’re in a much better position to replace them with something more positive. But unless you first uncover them, you’ll keep repeating them to yourself, further embedding your long held beliefs. Of course, your inner dialogue has been running for years, reminding yourself of who you are. So it can take some time and work to replace all those negative assumptions with some new ones.
Here’s some ideas you can choose according to your own behaviour:
Old Assumption
“I’m not good enough”
New Suggestion
“I’m deserving of success and happiness”
Old assumption
“I’ll never be…”
New idea
“I can create anything I choose”
Old assumption
“Making money is difficult”
New idea
“Money comes easily and frequently”
See also overcoming limiting beliefs about money.