money mindset shift Archives - Money Mindset Coach Money Mindset Coach Online Sun, 02 Jul 2023 14:47:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 money mindset shift Archives - Money Mindset Coach 32 32 230825600 Money Mindset Shift Fri, 30 Jun 2023 14:38:15 +0000 To make a money mindset shift isn’t easy because you’ve likely been thinking the same thoughts about money for years. Before you were 10 years old, you will have picked…

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To make a money mindset shift isn’t easy because you’ve likely been thinking the same thoughts about money for years. Before you were 10 years old, you will have picked up ideas about money, the “rich” and what you’re capable of from your parents. You didn’t have the cognitive skills to reject any ideas as a child. So they simply entered into your mind and became solid beliefs which continue to shape your world view.

money mindset shift

Think back to the thoughts and ideas your parents had about money. What were the messages you received from them? Were there thoughts of plenty and abundance, or were there some ideas of lack and limitation there? Did your parents fight about money, or control? Ideas backed by strong emotions are powerful, especially if you picked them up when you were very young.

What are some of your beliefs about money now? How do you think of the rich? How does your thinking limit your ability to make more money?

Money Mindset Shift – Noticing Your Thinking

One way you can bring awareness into your thinking processes is through the practice of meditation. When you meditate, you can sit quietly and observe your thinking. In particular, notice strong emotions which relate to your ability to make money. You can also notice what your friends and relatives talk about when it comes to money. Pay particular attention because you likely have similar ideas around the subject as those you spend the most time with.

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with” – Jim Rohn

Once you start noticing how your circle of influence see money, and how they see you too, you can bring some awareness to the topic. Spend some time silently noticing how people around you talk about money and related topics. Do they talk of plenty/abundance of of lack and struggle? Once you practice this regularly you will start to notice how you literally talk money away from you with some of the things you say. Especially notice when there’s strong emotions attached to it. When you talk strongly about your struggles, about lack and limitation and how difficult things are, you’re re-affirming it to yourself.

Money Mindset Shift – Affirmations

Affirmations can help you shift your money mindset towards more ease and abundance and away from lack, limitation and hardship. So once you have spent some time noticing how you talk about these things, you can begin to create some new affirmations which are more supportive of your intention to create more abundance.

Old ideas, once made conscious can be switched to new affirmations. Here’s a few examples:

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees: money comes easily and frequently
  • The rich are greedy: the rich are generous
  • I’ll always struggle with money: I allow myself to make money easily
  • I hate capitalism: the free market allows me more freedom
  • I’ll never be rich: I am already rich in many ways
  • I can’t afford it: How could I afford it?
  • Why do things never work for me?: How can things work out better for me?

So as you start to bring more awareness to the negative ways in which you talk money away from you, replace negative affirmations with these new ones.

The Power Of The Subconscious

Your subconscious mind is powerful and listens to everything you are thinking and saying. Since your mind whirls continuously, it’s important to give yourself some new stories to replace the old ones with. If you keep telling yourself “you’re no good”, or that “life’s a struggle”, the unconscious mind receives this message and begins to deliver results of a like nature.

When you notice these destructive thoughts pay attention, you are sowing the seeds of your future with them. Once you learn how to switch the script which continuously flows through your mind, things can and will change, and quite rapidly.

No one will talk to you as much as you talk to yourself. So getting inside this inner dialogue and changing it to a more positive script is paramount to your money mindset shift.

You can read Shad Helmstetter’s book “What To Say When You Talk To Yourself” here.

Shifting your inner dialogue is one of the most powerful ways you can instigate change permanently in your life.

Join my free email course to help you change your money mindset permanently here.

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Money Mindset Course Mon, 26 Jun 2023 11:37:21 +0000 Join my money mindset course by signing up on this website here: ReVamp Your Money Mindset With My Free Email Course!  Name: Email: Privacy: I will never share your details…

The post Money Mindset Course appeared first on Money Mindset Coach.

Join my money mindset course by signing up on this website here:

ReVamp Your Money Mindset With My Free Email Course! 

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Daily email messages to help you uncover your mindset blocks
  • PDF’s which I’ve found the most helpful
  • Tools and services I’ve used to personally change the way I earn money (from trading my time for money, to earning online on complete autopilot)
  • Practical exercises and steps you can take each day to change your mindset around money

Money Mindset Course – My Journey

money mindset course

Hi my name’s Tim Halloran and I’m passionate about helping people with their money mindset. Several years ago I was struggling big with money. In a constant state of fear around money, never earning enough and deeply in debt, I had no direction and wasted my time trying to fill the vast void of debt (and self doubt) with low paying jobs that never really hit the mark.

I didn’t have any time because I was in this constant state of fear, and I was selling my time for money.

I realised I had to make some changes because no matter how hard I worked, I was always behind. The working hard for money had somehow become a part of my thinking processes. I couldn’t escape it, and I worked in multiple jobs and was constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown!

Money Mindset Shift

I knew I was heading for disaster if I carried on down this path, but I didn’t know what to do about it! I had watched the film The Secret, several years before and thought I would revisit it. Although The Secret gave a simplistic view of the law of attraction, I knew there had to be something to it.

So I decided to find all the reading material I could on the subject. I read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, Raymond Holliwell’s Working With The Law, Wallace Wattle’s The Science Of Getting Rich. Basically, I became a book nerd and found everything I could on the subject of the law of attraction and money mindset.

money mindset course
Working on X-Men First Class doubling for Nicholas Hoult

I dropped an HGV (heavy goods vehicle) job which I was doing. I didn’t know how I was going to pay my rent, but it was making me miserable (and not much money besides). So I decided to drop it. I had a few other “grifts” going on including being a stuntman in the film industry and teaching kung fu. Within a relatively short period of time I got a call for the film X-Men First Class.

Things can change quickly when you change your mindset. My own struggles made me realise how powerful our “inner workings” are so far as creating change in our lives. The stunt work was temporary, but it gave me a reprieve from the worry and I could pay off some debt and put some money aside. This gave me some much needed space in my life which I used to learn about earning an income online.

Who Is This For?

My money mindset course is for anyone who is determined to change their inner world on the subject of money. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change! Your life models you beliefs, ideas and attitudes. So by changing them on the inside, you can ultimately bring about change on the “outside” of life. When we struggle and clamber for things physically, nothing changes, we only wear ourselves out and become miserable!

This is often propagated by the beliefs you carry inside. “You must work hard to make money” was one of my beliefs and although I still do believe in working hard, I worked hard at the wrong things – burning myself out instead of working hard at the right things, setting myself free!

It took me a long time to figure out that there are easier and better ways to earn money! I hope to share some of my insights with you through my email money mindset course. Sign up below to get my emails,

Best wishes,


ReVamp Your Money Mindset With My Free Email Course! 

The post Money Mindset Course appeared first on Money Mindset Coach.

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